2022 Posters

2024 Posters
2022 Posters
2020 Posters

PDFs of posters accepted for HIV Glasgow Congress 2022 are available below. Where there is not a hyperlink to a poster, we are awaiting confirmation from the presenter/submitter that they wish to include a PDF of their poster. The site will be updated as and when approvals are received.

ARV-based Prevention: Perinatally Acquired HIV

P001Increasing numbers of pregnancies to women with vertically-acquired HIV in the UK: 2006 to 2021
H Peters*; K Francis; L Bukasa; R Sconza; C Thorne (London, UK) PDF

P002: HIV vertical transmission in England: the current picture K Francis*; H Peters; L Bukasa; R Sconza; C Thorne (London, UK) PDF 

P003Transfer of antiretroviral drugs into breastmilk: a prospective study from the Swiss Mother and Child HIV Cohort Study K Aebi-Popp; C Kahlert; P Crisinel; L Decosterd; S Alves Saldanha; I Hösli; B Martinez Tejada; A Duppenthaler; A Rauch; C Marzolini* (Bern, Switzerland) PDF 

P005Could Dolutegravir/Lamivudine be a valid dual-therapy option even in pregnancy? Data from a retrospective analysis L Pagnucco*; R Bruno; V Zuccaro; L Maiocchi; S Novati; M Roccio; L Zanchi; C Melito; G Bossi; A Borghesi; R Gulminetti (Pavia, Italy) PDF 

P006Transplacental transfer of bictegravir versus dolutegravir in human placenta A Mohammed*; M Lehtonen; N Tepponen; M Forsberg; K Vähäkangas (Kuopio, Finland) PDF

ARV-based Prevention: PEP/PrEP/TasP

P007Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in Poland 2017 to 2021: lessons from a country with no national PrEP programme B Szetela*; I Cielniak; J Kubicka; T Rojewski; A Katafias; P Jakubowski; M Hlebowicz; M Sitko; J Loster; O Jablonowska; A Cybula; B Aksak-Wąs; K Gierlotka; M Bociaga-Jasik; M Parczewski; R Szymanski; W Bludzin; A Grzeszczuk; W Niemczyk; K Giniewicz; M Rosinska; J Gasiorowski (Wroclaw, Poland) PDF 

P008Comparison of HIV incidence as determined by two different recency assays in Ugandan women S Cox*; E Grebe; A Kintu; Y Shao; F Matova Kiweewa; Z Lukyamuzi; F Kiweewa; S Facente; R Ebrahimi; C Carter; C Callebaut; J Baeten; M Das (Foster City, CA, USA) PDF 

P009Prescription adherence and persistence on oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) among prep-naive (PN) individuals after FTC/TAF approval in the United States (US) R Elion; J Gruber; J Radtchenko*; M Dunbar; K Mayer; G Huhn; K Mounzer; A Mills (Louisville, CO, USA) PDF 

P010Viral hepatitis and human papillomavirus vaccination during pre-exposure prophylaxis: factors associated with missed vaccination A Raccagni*; D Ceccarelli; B Trentacapilli; L Galli; R Lolatto; D Canetti; E Bruzzesi; C Candela; A Castagna; S Nozza (Milan, Italy) PDF 

P011Evaluation of doravirine/lamivudine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate for non-occupational post-exposure prophylaxis, a prospective open-label study (DORAVIPEP) A Inciarte*; A Ugarte; B Torres; M Martinez-Rebollar; M Laguno; J Ambrosioni; I Chivite; D Aguero; V Rico; L Berrocal; A González-Cordón; P Puerta; L De La Mora; E De lazarri; S Herrera; N Garcia-Pouton; M Hernandez-Meneses; R Alonso; P Monzo; P Callau; R Aguiló; E Fernández; L Barrero; E Solbes; E Martinez; J Blanco; J Miró; A Soriano; J Mallolas (Barcelona, Spain) PDF 

P012Willingness to use long-acting injectable PrEP among key populations at a large HIV prevention clinic in Kampala, Uganda D Lukubuya*; M Baguma; A Kaguta; W Nambatya; P Kyambadde; E Katana; T Muwonge; E Odongpiny (Kampala, Uganda) PDF 

P013Determinants of intention to use pre-exposure prophylaxis and condom use among female sex workers in Madrid, Spain L Vazquez Guillamet*; J Valencia; P Ryan; I Cobo; J Lazarus; G Chevance (Barcelona, Spain) PDF 

P014Are PrEP and other HIV prevention methods used by people experiencing homelessness in London? E Pool*; P Pierce; J Gibbons; A Story; D Menezes; J Surey; B Sultan (London, UK) PDF 

P015Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on sexual behaviour and welfare of HIV preexposure prophylaxis users in Northern France: a prospective quantitative and qualitative monocentric study A Meybeck*; A Kamadjou; A Decock; T Huleux; A Depreux; E Aissi; L Landre; V Baclet; N Viget; M Valette; O Robineau (Tourcoing, France) PDF 

P016HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis services, provision, and delivery in the NEAT ID network G Liegeon; A Duffy; C Brooks; H Honour; J Molina*; on behalf of the PrEP NEAT ID Study Group (Paris, France) PDF 

P017Post-trial oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) access among women who used oral PrEP as HIV prevention standard of care during a large clinical trial: findings from Durban, South Africa I Beesham*; M Beksinska; C Milford; J Smit; L Mansoor (Durban South, Africa) PDF 

P018Characterisation of a population on PrEP and loss to follow-up R Sousa*; R Domingos; J Alves; S Peres; A Silva; T Baptista Alberto; K Mansinho (Matosinhos, Portugal) PDF 

P019Profile and prevention trajectory of recently HIV infected patients in Belgium C Vanden Bulcke*; J Deblonde; S Callens; C Verhofstede (Ghent, Belgium) PDF 

P021High acceptance of same-night PrEP start in a safer space for trans and male sex workers: the Night Café B Hampel*; L Guelfi; J Real; B Zahno; J Fehr (Zurich, Switzerland) PDF 

P022HCV infection in an outpatient PrEP clinic in a Portuguese tertiary hospital M Miguel*; J Lourinho; H Pires; T Nunes; D Lages; A Gomes; L Duque; J Botas; N Marques (Lisbon, Portugal) PDF 

P023Post-exposure prophylaxis and pre-exposure prophylaxis in gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men who practise sexualised drug use D Íncera; J Garrido; M Gámez; I Zaro; L García*; A García; L Ibarguchi (Madrid, Spain) PDF

Treatment Strategies: New Treatments and Targets

P026: Week 52 subgroup efficacy analyses of long-acting subcutaneous lenacapavir in phase II/III in heavily treatment-experienced people with multidrug-resistant HIV (CAPELLA study) A Castagna*; J Blanco; C Hung; M Rassool; M Ramgopal; W Sanchez; C Cretico; D Hagins; D Wheeler; H Wang; I Henne; H Dvory-Sobol; M Rhee; J Baeten; O Onyema (Milan, Italy) PDF 

P027: Common adverse events in clinical studies of people using lenacapavir for HIV treatment A Antinori*; F Castelli; S Ronot-Bregigeon; Y Yazdanpanah; R Safran; D Berger; P Cook; G Sinclair; H Wang; G Saunders; T Farrow; H Dvory-Sobol; M Rhee; J Baeten; S Gupta (Rome, Italy) PDF 

P028: VICDOR: EffectiVeness of swItChing to DOR-based antiretroviral therapy (ART) under real-world conditions in Germany J Rockstroh*; C Wyen; M Sabranski; H Knechten; S Esser; N Qurishi; C Jonsson-Oldenbüttel; J Bogner; S Schellberg; I Kolobova; J Pelz; Y Whiteside (Bonn, Germany) PDF 

P029: The implementation of every-2-months cabotegravir and rilpivirine long-acting injections from the perspective of healthcare providers in the German CARLOS cohort, 6-month outcomes J Scherzer*; C Jonsson-Oldenbuettel; S Schneeweiß; C Wyen; J Borch; K Ummard-Berger; N Postel; E Rodriguez; C Gutner; K Dymek; B Westermayer; K Bernhardt (Munich, Germany)i PDF 

P030: Fostemsavir and QT prolongation: clinical applications for co-administration with other agents S Patel; V Vega; A Dyson*; R Guduru; G Morcos; M Calderón; A Mannebach; B Gilliam; A Clark; A Tenorio; K Moore (Durham, NC, USA) PDF 

P031: Patterns of doravirine use in a US cohort M Sension*; L Brunet; R Hsu; K Mounzer; J Fusco; Y Whiteside; J Arduino; I Kolobova; G Fusco (Sarasota, FL, USA) PDF 

P032: Development of conceptual models to understand patient experiences with and attributes of adherence to HIV oral antiretroviral therapy and considerations in switching to long-acting oral antiretroviral therapy J Bailey; P Javidnia; J Mao; A Borsa; E Hawryluk; S Gubernick; A de la Motte; E Fonseca*; S Karantzoulis; M Reaney; T Saretsky (Rahway, NJ, USA) PDF 

P033: Pediatric dolutegravir introduction for children living with HIV (CLWHIV) in Zimbabwe: lessons from early adopter sites C Giyava*; N Kawaza; C Chimhundu; A Mushavi; P Andifasi; A Mangwiro (Harare, Zimbabwe) PDF 

P034: Rescue therapy with ibalizumab in HIV multi-drug resistances (MDR) patient S Martini*; N Cuomo; M Pisaturo; N Coppola (Naples, Italy) PDF

Treatment Strategies – Target Populations: Adolescents and Children

P035: Treatment-emergent integrase inhibitor resistance among pediatric and adolescent HIV-1 populations: a systematic review C Henegar; C Brothers; C Vavro; L Tan; M McKenna; V Vannappagari*; A Buchanan (Durham, NC, USA) PDF 

P036: Pediatric dolutegravir is highly preferred by patients/caregivers in Nigeria and Uganda at 1 month after initiation J Campbell; B Ngwatu*, and the TORPEDO study teams in Nigeria and Uganda (Kampala, Uganda) PDF

Treatment Strategies – Target Populations: Ageing Population

P039: PROximity: digitisation in the active listening of the HIV patient; mental health as a care priority A Díaz de Santiago; S de la Fuente Moral; M Corrales Rodríguez; J Martín Giner; C Folguera Olías; B Menchén Viso; A Planes Roy*; R Roldán Blay (Valencia, Spain)

Treatment Strategies – Target Populations: Women

P040: Adverse birth outcomes and risk of MTCT for dolutegravir versus efavirenz in five randomised trials of 1074 pregnant women S Sokhela; F Venter; B Bosch; G Akpomiemie; A Tembo; T Pepperrell; B Simmons; L Mulenga; A Calmy; T Sanchez; E Delaporte; C Casas; S Khoo; H Reynolds; A Hill* (Liverpool, UK) PDF 

P041: Supported breastfeeding among women living with HIV in the UK: the current picture K Francis*; C Thorne; R Sconza; H Peters (London, UK) PDF 

P042: Interim doravirine safety results from a pilot switch study for women of childbearing potential in South Africa J Woods; S Sokhela; B Bosch*; G Akpomiemie (Johannesburg, South Africa) PDF 

P044: Real-world experience with the two-drug regimen dolutegravir and lamivudine in women with HIV: a systematic literature review S di Giambenedetto; S Walmsley; B Grinsztejn; M Pérez Elías; N Nwokolo; M Kabra; B Jones; E Letang; M Kisare* (Nairobi, Kenya) PDF 

P046: HIV testing reasons from 2000 to 2020 in an active cohort of women living with HIV (WLWHIV) in a tertiary hospital in Barcelona, Spain: a retrospective study S Toyos; L Berrocal; A González-Cordón; E Fernández; A Inciarte; L de la Mora; M Martínez-Rebollar; M Laguno; J Ambrosioni; I Chivite; E de Lazzari; J Blanco; E Martínez; J Miró; J Mallolas; B Torres* (Barcelona, Spain) PDF 

P047: HIV and women in Latin America: characteristics, therapy, and outcomes – results from the Latin American HIV Workshop Study Group (LAHWSG) P Zitko*; I Cassetti; P Celi; E Barthel; C Mazariegos; S Pereira; M Rodriguez; L Astocondor; E Álvarez; C Beltran (Santiago, Chile) PDF

Treatment Strategies – Target Populations: Late Presenters

P049: Effects of advanced HIV disease on inflammation following ART initiation O Bisbal*; S Serrano-Villar; L Domíguez-Domínguez; M Rava; C Guitierrez; A Rull; L Pérez-LaTorre; F Gutierrez; M Saumoy; C Amador; I Jarrín; J Iribarren; R Rubio; S Moreno (Madrid, Spain) PDF 

P050: Comparison of the efficacy of preferred antiretroviral regimens in patients with CD4 cell counts <200 versus 200/L or VL >100 000 versus 100 000 copies/mL: a systematic review with meta-analysis. GESIDA-11520 Study J Perez-Molina; C Crespillo-Andujar; J Zamora; B Fernádez-Félix; A Gaetano; J López Bernaldo de Quirós; S Serrano-Villar; S Moreno*; J Berenguer (Madrid, Spain) PDF 

P052: High rates of virological suppression after 24 weeks of tenofovir alafenamide/emtricitabine/bictegravir (BIC/FTC/TAF) in people living with HIV (PLWHIV) starting antiretroviral therapy with <200 CD4 cell count I Pérez Valero; D Corona Mata*; A Camacho Espejo; C Roca-Oporto; C Tomas; N Cabello; M Cervero Jimenez; M Navarro; A Rivero-Juarez; A Rivero Roman (Cordoba, Spain) PDF 

P053: Risk factors associated with late presentation to HIV care in the ‘treat all’ era in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic literature review D Mwamba* (Lusaka, Zambia) PDF

Treatment Strategies – Target Populations: Naive Patients

P054: Transmitted drug resistance in Spain (CoRIS) patients during 2019 to 2021 L Viñuela; A Fuentes-López; A de Salazar; E Serrano-Conde; M Pérez-Elias; J Olalla; O Arce-García; J Iribarren; M Masiá; M Montero; I Falces-Romero; J Blanco; M Rivero; L García-Fraile; N Espinosa; B Baza; A Aguilera; M Maciá; M Martínez-Velasco; A Iborra; A Imaz; A López Lirola; J Peraire; I Portilla; A Rando; I Suarez; R Izquierdo; F Garcia* (Granada, Spain) PDF 

P055: Phenotypic analysis of the impact of V106I in HIV-1 reverse transcriptase on resistance to doravirine F Saladini; A de Salazar; A Fuentes; L Viñuela; F Giammarino; N Bartolini; C Charpentie; S Lambert-Niclot; G Sterrantino; G Colao; V Micheli; A Bertoli; L Fabeni; I Malet; E Teyssou; R Delgado; I Falces; A Aguilera; P Gomes; D Paraskevis; M Santoro; A Marcelin; F Ceccherini-Silberstein; M Zazzi; F Garcia* (Granada, Spain) PDF 

P056: High efficacy of dolutegravir/lamivudine (DTG/3TC) in treatment-naive adults with HIV-1 and high baseline viral load (VL): 48-week subgroup analyses of the GEMINI-1/-2 and STAT trials C Rolle*; J Arribas; R Ortiz; J Matthews; C Man; R Grove; C Donovan; B Wynne; M Kisare; B Jones (Nairobi, Kenya) PDF 

P057: Real-world use of dolutegravir/lamivudine in treatment-naïve people living with HIV during the COVID pandemic G Pierone, Jr.*; J Fusco; L Brunet; V Vannappagari; S Sarkar; C Henegar; J van Wyk; A Zolopa; G Fusco (Vero Beach, FL, USA) PDF 

P058: BICNOW clinical trial: preliminary results of rapid test and treat BIC/FTC/TAF study in naive PLWHIV C Hidalgo-Tenorio*; S Sequera; A Collado; M Vivancos; I De los Santos; P Sorni; N Cabello; M Montero; A Terrón; O Martinez; M Omar Mohamed; P Ryan; M Galindo; J Pasquau; R Javier; M Lopez Ruz; C Garcia Vallecillos (Granada, Spain) PDF 

P059: 96 weeks effectiveness and tolerability of DTG+3TC in naive patients: the REDOLA study F Pulido; J López Bernaldo de Quiros; M Górgolas; M Torralba; L Martín-Carbonero; Á Mena; J Sanz; J Vergas; Á Gutiérrez*; M Hernández-Segurado; E Palmier; F Tejerina; A Pinto; M Téllez; P Vázquez; A Cabello (Madrid, Spain) PDF 

P060: Effectiveness of bictegravir/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide (BTC/FTC/TAF) in ART-naive patients: real-world data from the ICONA cohort A Tavelli*; G Marchetti; A Vergori; E Quiros-Roldan; V Malagnino; F Vichi; M Lichtner; S Nozza; R Rossotti; L Sarmati; F Bai; A Di Biagio; A Antinori; A d’Arminio Monforte (Milan, Italy) PDF

Treatment Strategies – Target Populations: Experienced Patients

P061: Efficacy and safety of fostemsavir plus optimized background therapy in heavily treatment-experienced adults with HIV-1: week 240 results of the phase III BRIGHTE study J Aberg*; B Shepherd; M Wang; J Madruga; F Mendo Urbina; C Katlama; S Schrader; J Eron; S Chabria; A Clark; A Pierce; M Lataillade; P Ackerman (Brentford, UK) PDF 

P062: Meta-analysis of efficacy for DTG versus PI/r as second-line treatment in four randomised trials, 2662 participants M Mirchandani; A Qavi; B Simmons; A Hill* (Liverpool, UK) PDF 

P064: A multivariate analysis of the phase III BRIGHTE trial, through week 24, to identify predictors of virologic response to fostemsavir in heavily treatment-experienced people living with HIV M Gartland*; X Wang; Q Liao; B Li; F Du; S Chabria; M Krystal; A Clark; M Lataillade; A Tenorio (Durham, NC, USA) PDF 

P065: Characterisation and outcomes of difficult-to-treat patients in an Italian cohort of PLWHIV starting modern ART regimens R Gagliardini*; A Tavelli; S Rusconi; S Lo Caputo; V Spagnuolo; M Santoro; A Costantini; S Cicalini; F Maggiolo; A Giacomelli; G Burastero; C Agrati; G Madeddu; E Quiros Roldan; A d’Arminio Monforte; A Antinori; A Cozzi-Lepri (Roma, Italy) PDF 

P066: Metabolic and hepatic safety in ART-experienced PLWHIV switching to a DOR-based regimen versus rilpivirine: data from real life P Maggi; E Ricci; C Martinelli; N Squillace*; G De Socio; G Orofino; C Molteni; A Masiello; B Menzaghi; F Vichi; E Pistarà; L Valsecchi; A Bitti; L Calza; G Pellicanò; A Cascio; L Taramasso; E Sarchi; K Falasca; O Bargiacchi; G Cenderello; A Di Biagio; P Bonfanti (Monza, Italy) PDF 

P067: Bictegravir/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide (B/F/TAF) for the treatment of people living with HIV: 24-month (24M) analyses by age, race, sex, adherence and late presentation in a multi-country cohort study B Trottier*; A Antinori; J De Wet; C Duvivier; H Elinav; S Esser; J Ghosn; J den Hollander; J Lambert; A Milinkovic; C Elliott; T Saifi; R Haubrich; D Thorpe; A Marongiu; C Miralles; S Schellberg; B van Welzen (Montreal, Canada) PDF 

P068: Real-world study with dolutegravir (DTG) plus rilpivirine (RPV) as STR (JULUCA©) in treatment-experienced HIV patients C Hidalgo-Tenorio*; C Garcia Vallecillos; R Javier; M Lopez-Ruz; S Sequera; J Pasquau (Granada, Spain) PDF

Treatment Strategies: Adherence

P069: Implementation of cabotegravir and rilpivirine long-acting (CAB+RPV LA): primary results from the CAB+RPV Implementation Study in European Locations (CARISEL) B Van Welzen*; L Vandekerckhove; C Jonsson-Oldenbuettel; L Hocqueloux; M Ait-Khaled; G Bontempo; R DeMoor; J Scherzer; R D’Amico; N Barnes; M Hadi; E Low; S Anand; M Czarnogorski; C Gutner (Utrecht, Netherlands) PDF 

P070: Patient-reported outcomes after 152 weeks of HIV maintenance therapy with long-acting cabotegravir + rilpivirine in the phase IIIb ATLAS-2M study V Chounta; E Overton; S Noe; S Swindells; E Negredo; R D’Amico; C Harrington; S Vanveggel; R Van Solingen-Ristea; Y Wang; C Acuipil; W Spreen* (Durham, NC, USA) PDF  

P071: Adherence to HIV treatment in 2019: the COCOVIH study using the French national health insurance claims database F Prevoteau du Clary*; C Majerholc; D Zucman; J Livrozet; A Vallee; C Laurendeau; S Bouee(Toulouse, France) PDF

Treatment Strategies: Rapid ART

P074: Rapid initiation of ART in Ukraine S Vynohradova*; D Shevchenko; A Trotsenko; L Hetman; L Legkostup (Kyiv, Ukraine) PDF 

P075: Viral suppression at 1 year and rapid antiretroviral initiation in Guatemala H Marroquín*; M Robles; D Ortíz; J Samayoa (Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala) PDF 

P076: Rapid initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART) with bictegravir/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide (BIC/FTC/TAF) in a tertiary hospital in Barcelona, Spain: a prospective clinical trial A Ugarte; L De La Mora; I Chivite; E de Lazzari; E Fernandez; E Solbes; A Inciarte; J Ambrosioni; M Laguno; M Martinez-Rebollar; A González-Cordón; J Blanco; E Martinez; J Mallolas; B Torres* (Barcelona, Spain) PDF 

P078: Impact of COVID-19 on the outcomes of rapid ART initiation among people living with HIV (PLWHIV): a multicentre study Y Huang*; S Cheng; C Yang; H Sun; P Lu; C Liu; Y Lee; C Tsai; N Lee; B Liou; H Tang; C Lee; C Lin; C Hung (Hsin-Chu Country, Taiwan) PDF 

P079: Rapid antiretroviral therapy initiation and acute HIV infection: current situation in a Latin American reference centre M Santos; F Grimaldi; L Vignolo; F Pinilla Huayta; J Barletta; M Cabrini; O Cando; M Rolon* (Buenos Aires, Argentina) PDF 

P080: Dolutegravir/lamivudine is clinically non-inferior to dolutegravir-based triple drug antiretroviral therapy: 1-year results of the DUALING real-world nationwide prospective matched cohort study M Vasylyev*; F Wit; C Jordans; R Soetekouw; S van Lelyveld; G Kootstra; C Delsing; H Ammerlaan; M van Kasteren; E Brouwer; E Leyten; M Claassen; R Hassing; J den Hollander; M van den Berge; A Roukens; M van Vonderen; W Bierman; P Groeneveld; S Lowe; B van Welzen; O Richel; J Nellen; G van den Berk; M van der Valk; B Rijnders; C Rokx (Rotterdam, Netherlands) PDF

Treatment Strategies: Simplification

P081: Effectiveness of dolutegravir + lamivudine in real-world studies in people with HIV-1 with M184V/I mutations: a systematic review and meta-analysis M Kabra; T Barber; C Allavena; A Marcelin; S di Giambenedetto; J Pasquau; N Gianotti; M Turner; C Harrison; T Wynne; G Verdier; C Parry; B Jones; C Okoli; J Priest*; E Letang (Durham, NC, USA) PDF 

P082: Switching to bictegravir/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide (BIC/FTC/TAF) plus darunavir/cobicistat (DRV/c) in heavily antiretroviral-experienced, virologically suppressed HIV-infected adults receiving complex regimens D Podzamczer*; A Imaz; A Lopez-Lirola; H Knobel; M Masiá; J Berenguer; C Hernández; M Lagarde; A Gutierrez; A Curran; L Morano; M Montero-Alonso; J Troya; R Rigo; M Casadellà; A Navarro-Alcaraz; A Rivero (Badalona, Spain) PDF 

P083: HIV-1 RNA blips, low-level viral replication and mean CD4+/CD8+ ratio during phase 3/3b cabotegravir + rilpivirine long-acting studies up to 152 weeks of therapy C Latham*; L Garside; S Byrapuneni; C Smith; M St. Clair; V Van Eygen; S Griffith; R D’Amico; J van Lunzen; J van Wyk; W Spreen (Durham, NC, USA) PDF 

P084: Real-world data from the prospective, multicentre study on the use of dolutegravir-based regimens (DBRs) in ART-naive and experienced people living with HIV: 12-month results from the Russian TESLA study S Kuznetsov*; S Minaeva; N Sizova; F Nagimova; E Orlova-Morozova; M Radzikhovskaya; V Shevchenko; A Maldonado; B Jones (Moscow, Russian Federation) PDF 

P085: Safety and efficacy of switching people with HIV to dual treatment with 3TC/DTG and RPV/DTG in real life: results from the SCOLTA cohort A De Vito*; E Ricci; G Orofino; L Taramasso; E Sarchi; C Costa; G Pelicanò; L Pagnucco; B Menzaghi; G De Socio; B Celesia; S Piconi; P Maggi; P Bonfanti; G Madeddu (Sassari, Italy) PDF 

P086: Three-year outcomes of dolutegravir/rilpivirine in virologically suppressed HIV-infected PLWHIV: real-world data from the prospective German JUNGLE cohort F Schabaz*; J Scherzer; S Schneeweiß; D Beer; K Ummard-Berger; R Pauli; C Wyen; H Hillenbrand; B Westermayer; K Dymek (Munich, Germany) PDF 

P087: Systematic literature review of real-world experience with the two-drug regimen dolutegravir and lamivudine in people with HIV who would not have met inclusion criteria for the phase III clinical program J Slim*; D Ward; S Schneider; M Kabra; G Verdier; B Jones; E Letang (Brentford, UK) PDF

Treatment Strategies: Switch Studies

P088: Outcomes after switching from 144 weeks of blinded DTG/ABC/3TC or DTG+F/TAF to 96 weeks of open-label B/F/TAF C Orkin*; A Antinori; J Rockstroh; S Moreno Guillén; C Martorell; J Molina; A Lazzarin; F Maggiolo; Y Yazdanpanah; K Andreatta; H Huang; J Hindman; H Martin; J Baeten; A Pozniak (London, UK) PDF 

P089: Switching to bictegravir/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide single tablet regimen from boosted protease inhibitor-based ART in virologically suppressed adults with HIV-1 harbouring drug resistance: a phase IV randomised, open-label pilot study (PIBIK study) C Iwuji*; L Waters; A Milinkovic; C Orkin; N Perry; N Dailey; Y To; S Bremner; A Geretti; D Churchill (Brighton, UK) PDF 

P090: Efficacy and safety of dolutegravir/lamivudine (DTG/3TC) in Black and Asian participants from TANGO and SALSA: pooled 48-week data analyzed by race P Kumar*; D Hagins; J Andrade-Villanueva; P Lu; E Adachi; R Rubio; T Lutz; M Ait-Khaled; R Grove; B Wynne; B Jones; C Okoli (Brentford, UK) PDF 

P091: Effectiveness and safety of dolutegravir-based two-drug regimens in a multicentre cohort in Spain B Alejos; I Suárez-García; L Martín-Carbonero; A Moreno-Zamora; R Font; J Portilla; O Martinez; M Omar; D Vinuesa; S Moreno*; I Jarrin; on behalf of the CoRIS Cohort (Madrid, Spain) PDF 

P092: Characteristics of heavily treatment-experienced (HTE) people with HIV (PWHIV) in US clinical practice J Eron; M Dunbar; J Radtchenko*; J Gruber; G Huhn; G McComsey; L Temme; J Thompson; R Elion (Chapel Hill, NC, USA) PDF 

P093: Efficacy and safety of switching to dolutegravir plus rilpivirine in virologically suppressed older PLWHIV: pooled week 148 results from SWORD-1 and SWORD-2 M Prakash*; R Grove; B Wynne; J van Wyk; B Jones; A Clark (Brentford, UK) PDF 

P094: Doravirine plus lamivudine (DOR/3TC) two-drug regimen as a maintenance antiretroviral therapy in controlled HIV-infected patients P Perfezou; N Hall; J Duthe; B Abdi; S Seang; A Marcelin; C Katlama; R Palich* (Paris, France) PDF 

P095: Performance of dolutegravir-based two-drug regimens (DTG-2DR) in a large real-world cohort of people with HIV C Bowman; A Ambrose; P Simoes; K Florman; T Kanitkar; A Katiyar; A Hunter; J Hart; T Barber* (London, UK) PDF 

P096: Long-acting combination of cabotegravir plus rilpivirine: a picture of potential eligible HIV-positive individuals from the Italian ARCA cohort A Cervo*; A Russo; D Di Carlo; A De Vito; L Fabeni; S D’Anna; L Duca; A Colpani; M Fois; B Zauli; G Mancarella; A Carraro; A Bezenchek; A Cozzi-Lepri; M Santoro (Modena, Italy) PDF 

P097: Switch to bictegravir in real-life settings in the ANRS-CO3-AquiVIH-NA cohort O Leleux; A Peyrouny-Mazeau; A Perrier; M Hessamfar; G Le Moal; D Neau; H Wille; E Lazaro; B Castan; P Duffau; C Cazanave; V Gaborieau; L Wittkop; F Bonnet* (Bordeaux, France) PDF 

P098: Effectiveness of bictegravir/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide (BIC/FTC/TAF) as switch strategy in virologically suppressed: real-world data from the ICONA cohort A d’Arminio Monforte*; A Tavelli; A Cingolani; L Taramasso; C Mussini; S Piconi; A Calcagno; G Orofino; S Cicalini; A Castagna; F Ceccherini-Silberstein; A Gori; G Guaraldi; A Antinori (Milan, Italy) PDF 

P099: Detection of 12-month immunological changes in patients randomised to switch either to BIC/TAF/FTC or DTG/3TC (DEBATE study) A Cossarizza; M Mattioli; A Paolini; A Neroni; S De Biasi; D Lo Tartaro; R Borella; L Fidanza; L Gibellini; B Beghetto; E Roncaglia; G Nardini; M Menozzi; G Cuomo; M Di Gaetano; G Orlando; V Borghi; C Mussini* (Modena, Italy) PDF 

P100: Durability of first-line antiretroviral treatment in Russia: retrospective study N Sizova; Y Plotnikova; T Shimonova; O Chernova; E Ivanova; A Kruglova; V Achikyan* (Moscow, Russian Federation) PDF 

P101: Efficacy and safety of dolutegravir and doravirine dual therapy in the context of antiretroviral therapy switch: 48 weeks analysis M Trizzino*; C Gioè; A Medaglia; P Di Carlo; M Alfonzo; L Pipitò; G Valenti; A Cascio (Palermo, Italy) PDF 

P102: Efficacy and safety of dolutegravir and doravirine dual therapy in the context of antiretroviral therapy switch: 48 weeks analysis M Trizzino*; C Gioè; A Medaglia; P Di Carlo; M Alfonzo; L Pipitò; G Valenti; A Cascio (Palermo, Italy) PDF 

P103: ART regimen persistence among treatment-experienced patients with HIV switching to a MTR or STR since 2018 B Chastek; A Anderson; N Webb; M Rock; J Gruber; S Majethia; W Zachry*; J Cohen; A Colson (Foster City, CA, USA) PDF 

P104: Real-life experience with bictegravir/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide (B/F/TAF) in a single centre in Portugal A Gorgulho*; I Vaz-Pinto; C Santos; M Guimaraes; V Castro (Alcabideche, Portugal) PDF 

P105: Effectiveness and tolerability of the bictegravir/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide regimen in a cohort of HIV-1 infected treatment experienced adult patients: an observational retrospective single-centre study M Ceccarelli*; M Ricciardetto; B Bellocchi; L Todaro; V Boscia; A Campanella; G Nunnari; B Cacopardo; B Celesia (Catania, Italy) PDF 

P106: Effectiveness and safety of doravinine from a real-world HIV cohort: DORWINS study N Espinosa Aguilera*; M Mejías Trueba; A Gutiérrez Valencia; S Llaves Flores; M Herrero Romero; C Sotomayor de la Piedra; C Roca Oporto; M Rodriguez Hernandez; L Lopez Cortes (Sevilla, Spain) PDF 

P107: Efficacy and safety of switching to co-formulated DOR/TDF/3TC in virologically suppressed HIV-1-infected patients: early experience from a single Italian centre F Lagi; G Formica*; F Ducci; S Tekle Kiros; M Pozzi; F Bartalesi; P Corsi; C Malcontenti; G Sterrantino; A Bartoloni (Florence, Italy) PDF 

P108: Doravirine used as a fixed combination doravirine/lamivudine/tenofovir disoproxil, among persons living with HIV at switch and start: real-life data from the Croatian HIV cohort S Zekan*; J Begovac (Zagreb, Croatia) PDF 

P109: Treatment-experienced HIV-1 infected patients under salvage regimen with dolutegravir and boosted darunavir: a real-life scenario L Moura*; C Batista; F Duarte; I Neves; R Correia de Abreu; J Laranjinha (Matosinhos, Portugal) PDF

Treatment Strategies: Other

P110: HIV-2: the global experience of a Portuguese centre since the beginning of the epidemic M Pereira*; J Borralho; J Vasconcelos; J Alves; S Peres; A Miranda; T Baptista; I Antunes; F Borges; K Mansinho (Lisbon, Portugal) PDF 

P111: High proportion of born-abroad MSM acquire HIV after migration in France: first results from the ANRS-MIE GANYMEDE study A Arias Rodriguez; L Assoumou; O Rousset Torrente; C Lascoux-Combe; J Ghosn; T Chiarabini; A Velter; M Ben Mechlia; L Béniguel; M Duracinsky; V Supervie; R Palich* (Paris, France) PDF 

P112: A pooled analysis of eight clinical studies suggests a link between influenza-like adverse events and pharmacodynamics of the toll-like receptor 7 agonist vesatolimod S Riddler; Y Cai; E Vendrame; Y Zheng; L Zhang; D Verrill; X Liu; D SenGupta*; D Lim (Foster City, CA, USA) PDF 

P113: High rates of central nervous system adverse events among patients on dolutegravir-based regimens in Uganda E Laker Odongpiny*; E Katana; J Owori; K Seden; D Meya; M Nicol; M Kesby; M Holden; D Sloan; C Sekaggya (Kampala, Uganda) PDF 

P114: Effect of 12-week cART on gut mucosal immunity and microbiome in primary HIV infection (PHI) C Tincati*; V Bono; M Falleni; D Tosi; V Yellenki; R Rovito; S Rusconi; A Giacomelli; A Muscatello; S Dispinseri; A d’Arminio Monforte; A Calcagno; S Nozza; A Gori; G Marchetti (Milan, Italy) PDF 

P116: Overcoming barriers and achieving optimal implementation of cabotegravir and rilpivirine long-acting (CAB+RPV LA): staff study participant (SSP) results from the CAB+RPV Implementation Study in European Locations (CARISEL) L Slama*; M Crusells-Canales; J Olalla; R DeMoor; M Ait-Khaled; S Dakhia; H Van Mechelen; A Hamilton; M Hadi; D Filipenko; F Brown; E Low; C Gutner; M Czarnogorski (Paris, France) PDF 

P117: Two-year outcomes of dolutegravir (DTG) + lamivudine (3TC) in ART-naïve and pre-treated people living with HIV in Germany: real-world data from the German URBAN cohort D Beer*; J Scherzer; S Noe; S Scholten; C Wyen; N Postel; O Degen; M Sabranski; B Westermayer; K Dymek (Aachen, Germany) PDF 

P118: Contributions to HIV cure research from Africa: a systematic review G Kyei*; E Bonney; J Aboagye; H Lamptey; C Abana; A Boateng; S Kaminta; P Wormenor; C Forfoe; C Bortey; P Nartey; D Attoh; P Boakye; K Sedzro (Accra, Ghana) PDF 

P119: HIV resistance patterns in a cohort of adults living with HIV failing first-line efavirenz-based antiretroviral therapy in South Africa B Bosch*; S Sokhela; J Woods; E Bhaskar; K Moller; N Manentsa; F Venter (Johannesburg, South Africa) PDF 

P120: HIV testing training for non-HIV specialists in a tertiary hospital: change in attitudes and rates of HIV screening A García García*; J Martínez Sanz; M Vivancos Gallego; C Cano; B Romero; M Sánchez Conde; M Vélez Díaz-Pallarés; M González Vázquez; F Gea Rodríguez; J Galán Montemayor; M Pérez Elías (Madrid, Spain) PDF 

P121: Knowledge, attitudes, and practices in chronic inflammation and cardiovascular risk associated with HIV infection in Spain S Serrano Villar*; J Moltó; M Montero-Alonso; C Diaz Torné; L Pérez de Isla (Madrid, Spain) PDF 

P122: A retrospective, multicentre study on the efficacy, durability, and tolerability of bictegravir/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide (BIC/FTC/TAF) for the treatment of HIV in a real-world setting in Belgium R Nasreddine*; E Florence; J Yombi; S Henrard; G Darcis; J Van Praet; L Vandekerckhove; S Allard; R Demeester; P Messiaen; N Ausselet; M Delforge; S De Wit (Brussels, Belgium) PDF 

P124: Digital emergency healthcare seeking behaviour of Ukrainian refugees living with HIV C Jordans*; M Vasylyev; C Rokx (Rotterdam, Netherlands) PDF 

P125: The application of HIV-1 proviral DNA in patients with low-level viraemia under antiretroviral therapy S Lv*; R Bai; M Dai; W Hua; R Xin; L Dai (Beijing, China) PDF 

P126: Real-world utilisation of doravirine among people living with HIV in England (DRIVE-REAL) C O’Halloran*; Y Gilleece; I Williams; S Leung; V Canuto; C McAlpine; S Ross; C Norcross; S Gaffney; N Siani; W Hickey; A Moore; O Rajkovic-Hooley; A Milinkovic (London, UK) PDF 

P127: Association between fentanyl use and virologic suppression in an HIV-infected cohort of people who use/inject drugs (PWID): results from a bictegravir/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide (B/F/TAF) switch study B Conway*; S Yi; S Sharma; R Yung; D Truong (Vancouver, Canada) PDF 

P128: HIV testing in an infectious diseases unit: can we follow the guidelines? L Buchanan*; D Bell; S Debono (Glasgow, UK) PDF

Opportunistic Infections

P131: Changes to LTBI screening in new diagnoses of HIV during the COVID-19 pandemic M Henderson*; S Ojinnaka; L Garvey; N Mackie; B Mora-Peris (London, UK) PDF 

P132: Latent tuberculosis infection and associated risk factors among people living with HIV and HIV-uninfected individuals in Lithuania E Matulyte*; Z Kancauskiene; A Kausas3 J Urboniene; V Lipnickiene; I Razmiene; J Kopeykiniene; B Jonaityte; A Eimutiene; G Arstikaitiene; A Lisinskaite; T Gudaitis; S Raudonis; E Danila; D Costagliola; R Matulionyte (Vilnius, Lithuania) PDF 

P133: Pharmacovigilance and drug safety trainings to increase tuberculosis (TB) preventive treatment (TPT) for tuberculosis in Zimbabwe J Jokwiro*; N Kawaza Chekudambune; K Sithole; B Dube; C Sandy; M Ncube; R Mubau; C Gwanzura; K Ndlovu; A Nyambo (Harare, Zimbabwe) PDF 

P136: Effects of incentivizing TB contact investigation and linkage to treatments B Dube*; N Chekudambune-Kawaza; J Jokwiro; K Sithole; C Sandy; M Ncube; C Gwanzura; R Mubau; K Ndlovu; N Siziba (Harare, Zimbabwe) PDF 

P137: Tailored support visits to improve screening rates for cryptococcal meningitis and tuberculosis during early implementation of the advanced HIV disease package of care in Zimbabwe G Saemisch; T Chirindo*; T Maparo; C Giyava; A Moore; I Amamilo; N Kawaza (Harare, Zimbabwe) PDF 

P138: Utilizing electronic communications for clinical mentorship to improve optimal treatment rates for cryptococcal meningitis in Malawi G Saemisch; Y Gumulira*; R Nyirendra; B Wilson; P Nyasulu; D Telela; E Matupa; T Mwenifumbo; A Moore; I Amamilo (Lilongwe, Malawi) PDF

Co-morbidities and Complications of Disease and/or Treatment: Ageing

P140: Age-related differences in quality of life outcomes of people living with HIV A Clark; C Donatti; N Nwokolo; F Hennessy*; A McMillan; O Carter; T Holbrook; J Priest (Bollington, UK) PDF 

P141: Re-framing how frailty is identified, diagnosed and managed among people living with HIV: exploratory perspectives from clinical practice T Barber*; T Levett; D Brown; P Pristera; N Galbraith; B Patterson; J Williams; M Boffito (London, UK) PDF 

P143: Effect of online education on physician knowledge and confidence regarding the impact of inflammation and the failure to recover CD4 T cell counts in people living with HIV J Duffey*; S Voorn; C Ní Cheallaigh; M Young Karris; P Hunt; G Guaraldi (New York, NY, USA) PDF 

P144: Are iron metabolism parameters and relative telomere length possible biomarkers of ageing in HIV-infected patients? G Dragovic Lukic*; S De Luka; A Trbovich; B Obradovic; D Jevtovic; B Toljic; J Milasin (Belgrade, Serbia) PDF

Co-morbidities and Complications of Disease and/or Treatment: Cardiovascular

P145: Cardiovascular events in delayed presentation of HIV: the prospective PISCIS cohort study R Martin-Iguacel*; M Vazquez-Friol; J Burgos; A Bruguera; J Reyes-Urueña; S Moreno-Fornés; J Aceitón; Y Díaz; P Domingo; M Saumoy; H Knobel; D Dalmau; B Borjabad; I Johansen; J Miro; J Casabona; J Llibre (Badalona, Spain) PDF 

P146: Prevalence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and comparison of risk category predictions of Systemic Coronary Risk Evaluation 2 (SCORE2) and four other CVD risk calculators among PLWHIV in Turkey E Tükenmez Tigen*; D Gökengin; H Özkan Özdemir; H Akalın; B Kaya; A Deveci; A İnan; D İnan; A Altunsoy; A Özel; İ Karaoğlan; H Eraksoy; T Demirdal; T Yıldırmak; S Birengel; A İnci; A Nazlı; B Kayaaslan; S Sayın Kutlu; Ç Ataman Hatipoğlu; Y Esen; T Koç; V Korten (Istanbul, Turkey) PDF 

P147: Study of the cardiovascular disease risk in people living with HIV-1 in Portugal F Palha*; M Casella; M Caixas Lima; F Roxo; S António; C Piñeiro; J Soares; R Pinho; L Pedro; J Oliveira; F Cunha; R Pereira; P Proença; J Ferreira; A Pimenta Castro; C Delgado (Lisbon, Portugal) PDF 

P148: Evaluation of lipid profile and intima media thickness in HIV-experienced patients treated with PI-based regimens versus PI-sparing regimens S Martini*; M Pisaturo; P Maggi; N Coppola (Napoli, Italy) PDF

Co-morbidities and Complications of Disease and/or Treatment: Metabolic

P149: Long-term risks of clinical obesity in the ADVANCE, NAMSAL and VISEND trials A Hill*; M Mirchandani; B Simmons; S Sokhela; F Venter (Liverpool, UK) PDF 

P150: Understanding changes in metabolic parameters switching to 2DR or 3DR integrase strand inhibitors (InSTIs) S Degroote; S Vanherrewege; E Tobback; E Caluwé; L Vincke; E Blomme; L Vandekerckhove; M De Scheerder* (Ghent, Belgium) PDF 

P151: Genetic contribution to weight gain after initiation of antiretroviral therapy in treatment-naïve patients with HIV J Berenguer*; I Jarrín; J Bellón; C Díez; M Jiménez-Sousa; R Navarro-Soler; J Iribarren; I Suárez-García; C Amador; A Curran; F Villarroya; P Domingo; S Resino (Madrid, Spain) PDF 

P152: Metabolic-related outcomes after switching from tenofovir disoproxil fumarate to tenofovir alafenamide in adults living with HIV: a multicentre prospective cohort study J Martínez-Sanz; S Serrano-Villar; A Muriel; L García Fraile; E Orviz; Á Mena de Cea; A Campins; S Moreno* (Madrid, Spain) PDF 

P153: Factors associated with weight loss or stable weight after continuing or switching to a doravirine-based regimen C Orkin*; J Koethe; P Kumar; Z Xu; R Plank; W Greaves; P Sklar; R Lahoulou (London, UK) PDF 

P155: Liver enzymes levels, metabolic and renal profile modifications after switching from TDF- to TAF-based regimens among ART-experienced PLWHIV in the ICONA cohort M Poliseno; S Lo Caputo; A Tavelli*; R Gagliardini; L Gazzola; A Saracino; T Santantonio; N Squillace; M Puoti; S Cicalini; A Antinori; A D’Arminio Monforte; A Cozzi-Lepri (Milan, Italy) PDF 

P156: Risk factors associated with 10% weight change in treatment-naïve and treatment-experienced people living with HIV initiating or switching to an NNRTI- or INSTI-based antiretroviral therapy in four large cohort studies O Robineau; A Marongiu; H Stellbrink; J Meynard; J Brunetta; D Turner*; A D’Arminio Monforte; M Castaño-Carracedo; B van Welzen; L Williams; R Haubrich; M Heinzkill; S Sahali; S Schreiber; J Gruber; C Cohen; S Esser (Tel-Aviv, Israel) PDF 

P157: Socio-economic deprivation, obesity, and diabetes mellitus in people of African ancestry living with HIV in South London L Dominguez-Dominguez*; S Tariq; L Cechin; L Hamzah; J Fox; V Kolodin; H Lempp; L Goff; D Onyango; L Campbell; F Post (London, UK) PDF 

P158: Results of Hepmarc: a 96-week feasibility trial of add-on maraviroc in people with well-controlled HIV and NAFLD D Bradshaw*; I Abramowicz; S Bremner; S Verma; Y Gilleece; S Kirk; M Nelson; R Housman; H Miras; C Orkin; A Fox; M Curnock; L Jennings; M Gompels; E Clarke; R Robinson; P Lambert; D Chadwick; N Perry (Brighton, UK) PDF 

P159: HIV-associated wasting in the era of weight gain M Wohlfeiler; R Weber; L Brunet; J Siddiqui; M Harbour*; A Phillips; B Hayward; J Fusco; R Hsu; G Fusco (Miami, FL, USA) PDF 

P160: Comparison of HIV-associated wasting definitions in the OPERA cohort M Wohlfeiler; R Weber; L Brunet; J Siddiqui; M Harbour*; A Phillips; B Hayward; J Fusco; R Hsu; G Fusco (Miami, FL, USA) PDF 

P161: Metabolic effects of switching to tenofovir alafenamide/emtricitabine/bictegravir (B/F/TAF) from tenofovir difumarate (TDF) or tenofovir alafenamide (TAF) sparing regimens: METABIC study C Busca; D Ortega; L Martín Carbonero; R Mican; L Ramos; M Valencia; R Montejano; M Montes; M Díaz-Almirón; A Delgado; J Bernardino* (Madrid, Spain) PDF 

P162: Liver enzyme variation after switching to emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide/bictegravir is associated with glucose increase in a real-life cohort N Squillace*; E Ricci; P Maggi; B Menzaghi; G De Socio; G Orofino; B Celesia; A Bandera; E Salomoni; A Di Biagio; L Taramasso; S Piconi; E Sarchi; L Valsecchi; G Pellicanò; G Cenderello; P Bonfanti (Monza, Italy) PDF 

P163: With or without TAF? What is the difference? Data from a real-life setting N Squillace*; L Taramasso; G Orofino; P Maggi; B Menzaghi; S Piconi; G De Socio; E Sarchi; L Valsecchi; B Celesia; F Vichi; G Pellicanò; G Cenderello; K Falasca; E Ricci; A Di Biagio; P Bonfanti (Monza, Italy) PDF 

P165: Lipid changes in real-world studies with the two-drug regimen dolutegravir and lamivudine (DTG + 3TC) in people with HIV-1: a systematic literature review E Letang*; J Lo; A Milinkovic; F Maggiolo; S di Giambenedetto; C Mussini; I Ungan Yörük; C Henegar; J Priest; B Young; M Kabra; B Jones (Madrid, Spain) PDF 

P166: New-onset diabetes in persons with HIV on BIC/FTC/TAF in real-world clinical practice M Vivancos-Gallego; A Moreno-Zamora; M Perez-Elias*; S Del Campo; J Casado; S Serrano-Villar; J Martinez-Sanz; R Ron; M Sanchez-Conde; B Fernandez-Felix; S Fernandez-Garcia; M Velez-Diaz-Pallares; J Galan; S Moreno-Guillen (Madrid, Spain) PDF 

P167: Prevalence of dyslipidaemia and diabetes mellitus in people living with HIV and possible association with antiretroviral drug regimen: an 8 year follow-up study T Dorner; T Obersteiner*; H Schalk; K Pichler; I Grabovac (Vienna, Austria) PDF

Co-morbidities and Complications of Disease and/or Treatment: Neurological

P169: Evaluation of the psychometric properties of health-related quality of life patient-reported outcome measures for use in people living with HIV with cognitive symptoms K Alford*; S Daley; S Banerjee; D Trotman; E Hamlyn; J Vera (Brighton and Hove, UK) PDF 

P170: Understanding the lived experience research priorities for improving quality of life in people living with HIV and cognitive impairment K Alford*; J Hammond; J Vera; S Daley (Brighton and Hove, UK) PDF 

P171: Effects of an online-based cognitive stimulation training as a preventive programme in patients with HIV: a proof of concept study J Cano-Smith; A Gonzalez-Baeza; G Rua-Cebrian; R Mican; J Bernardino; C Busca; L Martin-Carbonero; J Gonzalez; V Moreno; E Valencia; M Montes; L Ramos; I Perez-Valero* (Cordoba, Spain) PDF 

P172: The effects of switching from dolutegravir/abacavir/lamivudine to bictegravir/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide in virologically suppressed people living with HIV on neuropsychiatric symptoms: preliminary findings from a randomised study B Rossetti; M Ferrara; L Taramasso; F Bai; F Lombardi; N Ciccarelli; M Durante; F Alladio; I Rancan; F Montagnani; A Di Biagio; A d’Arminio Monforte; M Zazzi; M Fabbiani* (Siena, Italy) PDF 

P173: Sleep health of Nigerian adults living with HIV: looking beyond the absence of disease A Osiyemi*; E Owoaje; J Mundt; B Taiwo (Ibadan, Nigeria) PDF

Co-morbidities and Complications of Disease and/or Treatment: Mental Health Disorders

P174: Resolution of neuropsychiatric adverse events after switching to a doravirine-based regimen in the open-label extensions of the DRIVE-AHEAD and DRIVE-FORWARD trials G Moyle*; H Wan; F Meng; R Plank; P Sklar; R Lahoulou (London, UK) PDF 

P175: Defining the cascade of mental healthcare: increased prevalence of depression and lack of access to care for people ageing with HIV H Okhai*; A Winston; F Post; M Boffito; P Mallon; J Vera; I Williams; M Sachikonye; M Johnson; J Anderson; C Prechtl; C Sabin (London, UK) PDF 

P176: Psychological wellbeing and sleep in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) – a retrospective analysis of assessment and interventions within HIV services in the UK and Ireland (UKI) N Galbraith*; J Paparello; S Gyampo; K Carroll; A Brown (London, UK) PDF

Co-morbidities and Complications of Disease and/or Treatment: Other

P177: Measuring what matters: how do we assess sleep in HIV care? M Croston; K Bourne; E Hurt; N Galbraith*; M Hayter (London, UK) PDF 

P178: Pre-ART platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio and the risk of serious non-AIDS events, AIDS events and mortality in PLWHIV starting first-line ART P Saltini*; A Cozzi-Lepri; G Bozzi; G Marchetti; L Taramasso; S Mazzanti; V Rizzo; A Antinori; C Mussini; A Gori; A D’Arminio Monforte; A Bandera (Milan, Italy) PDF 

P180: Osteoporosis among older persons living with HIV in Kenya: baseline results from the BFTAF elderly switch study L Ombajo*; J Penner; J Nkuranga; R Wanjohi; J Mecha; M Mburu; F Ndinya; S Eshiwani; S Wahome; E Otieno; A Pozniak; S Bhagani (Nairobi, Kenya) PDF 

P181: Lack of prediction of fragility fractures by risk assessment tools in a cohort of people with HIV P Vizcarra; A Moreno*; M Vivancos; A Muriel García; J González-García; S Moreno; S Ibarra Ugarte; J Olalla Sierra; D Dalmau; J Casado (Madrid, Spain) PDF 

P182: Neurosyphilis in people living with HIV: current incidence and diagnostic approach P Vizcarra; A Moreno*; M Vivancos; J del Pino; S Martín-Colmenarejo; A Abad; J Casado (Madrid, Spain) PDF 

P183: Evolution of TDF-associated tubular dysfunction after switching to tenofovir alafenamide (TAF) in people living with HIV P Vizcarra; J del Rey; C Santiuste; A Moreno*; S Gomez-Maldonado; J Casado (Madrid, Spain) PDF 

P184: HIV-related stigma and its relationship to quality of life among people living with HIV enrolled in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study J Damas; A Justice; D Satre; M Silverberg; J Sterne; A Wrona; K McGinnis; F Kidwai-Khan; E Kampouri; D Jackson-Perry; D Braun; M Cavassini; K Darling* (Lausanne, Switzerland) PDF 

P185: Increasing incidence of syphilis among people living with HIV in Croatia during the COVID-19 years 2020 and 2021 J Begovac; V Romih Pintar; L Mocibob; N Vrsaljko; N Bogdanic; S Zekan*; A Atelj; D Lukas; O Dakovic Rode (Zagreb, Croatia) PDF 

P186: Pancreatic cancer in people living with HIV: an emerging concern? S Chawki*; N Lourenço; G Hamet; A Brun; O Bouchaud; J Bottero; P Sellier; J Molina (Paris, France) PDF 

P187: Prevalence of Mycoplasma genitalium infection and resistance-associated mutations to macrolides and fluoroquinolones among people living with HIV and people on pre-exposure prophylaxis in Taiwan Y Su*; L Su; W Liu; H Sun; W Liu; K Lin; Y Huang; G Chen; S Chang; C Hung (Taipei, Taiwan) PDF 

P188: Identification of quality-of-life alterations in PLWHIV in routine practice: benefit of the OCTAVE self-administered questionnaire L Slama*; F Bastides; O Robineau; J Leporrier; G Barriere; E Estrabaud; V Pourcher; E Piet (Paris, France) PDF 

P189: Quality of sleep in people living with HIV (PLWHIV) in the era of highly active antiretroviral treatment (HAART) V Petrakis; P Panagopoulos*; N Papanas; G Trypsianis; P Steiropoulos; D Papazoglou (Alexandroupolis, Greece) PDF 

P190: Oropharyngeal infection due to HPV in people living with HIV (PLHIV) C Hidalgo Tenorio*; L Benitez Cejas; I Calle; R Moya; P Gomez Ronquillo; J Lopez Hidalgo; J Rodriguez (Granada, Spain) PDF 

P191: Detection of Treponema pallidum DNA among men who have sex with men who presented with early syphilis T Wu*; L Su; S Chang; H Sun; W Liu; Y Huang; W Liu; K Lin; C Hung (Taipei City, Taiwan) PDF 

P192: A qualitative exploration of HIV stigma and its impact on accessing healthcare D Jackson-Perry; C Le Saux; I Gilles; C Storari; O Keserue Pittet; O Nawej Tshikung; E Cart; M Cavassini; K Darling* (Lausanne, Switzerland) PDF 

P193: Is HIV still a barrier to sex for people living with HIV in the UK? C Tugulu*; N Ahmed; P Bullemor-Day; D Weston; J Ashby (London, UK) PDF

P194: Effect of online education on physician knowledge and confidence regarding the impact that stigma has on health outcomes in people living with HIV J Duffey*; S Voorn; C Ní Cheallaigh; M Young Karris; J Rockstroh (Matlock, UK) PDF 

P195: Knowledge of STIs and HIV among people with and without HIV: where are we now? A Colpani*; A De Vito; B Zauli; B Menzaghi; A Calcagno; B Celesia; M Ceccarelli; G Nunnari; G De Socio; A Di Biagio; N Leoni; G Angioni; S Babudieri; G Madeddu (Sassari, Italy) PDF 

P197: A curious tale: quetiapine toxicity with cobicistat but not with ritonavir in a person living with HIV A Duncan*; T Syme; K Mackie; L Grannell; S Lewin (Melbourne, Australia) PDF 

P199: Could we consider U=U as a potential driver of new syphilis infection in HIV population during the Covid-19 pandemic? L Todaro*; B Bellocchi; M Paternò Raddusa; S Pulvirenti; A Guarneri; V Boscia; G Nunnari; B Cacopardo; M Ceccarelli; B Celesia (Catania, Italy) PDF

Viral Hepatitis

P200: The path to hepatitis C elimination: analysis of the epidemic in 110 countries
K Heath; A Hill* (Liverpool, UK) PDF

P201: Coinfection with hepatitis B virus and/or hepatitis C virus is a risk factor for HIV virological rebound after achieving virological suppression on first ART: results from ICONA cohort
V Malagnino*; A Cozzi-Lepri; V Svicher; E Girardi; C Perno; A Saracino; G Cuomo; S Rusconi; M Puoti; A D’Arminio Monforte; M Andreoni; L Sarmati (Rome, Italy) PDF

P204: Long-term trends in qHBsAg levels in persons with and without functional HBV cure in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study
L Begré*; A Boyd; F Suter-Riniker; C Béguelin; J Rockstroh; H Günthard; A Calmy; M Cavassini; M Stöckle;
P Schmid; E Bernasconi; M Levrero; F Zoulim; G Wandeler; A Rauch (Bern, Switzerland) PDF

P205: HCV testing training for non-HCV specialists in a tertiary hospital: change in attitudes and rates of HCV screening
A García García*; M Vivancos Gallego; J Martínez Sanz; C Cano; A González-Sarria; B Romero;
M Sánchez Conde; M Vélez Díaz-Pallarés; F Gea Rodríguez; J Galán Montemayor; M Pérez Elías
 (Madrid, Spain) PDF

P206: Hepatitis A outbreak in men who have sex with men in a tertiary care facility in Romania
C Oprea*; A Paun; T Paduraru; I Popa; I Ianache (Bucharest, Romania) PDF

P207: Liver transplantation due to fulminant HBV infection in individuals whose HIV infection was diagnosed during pretransplant evaluation: report on two cases
A Gutierrez Villanueva; A Arias Milla; P Ruiz; A Diaz de Santiago; A Forner; M Laguno; V Cuervas-Mons; L Benitez; A Moreno; A Moreno Maroto; A Rimola; J Miró* (Barcelona, Spain) PDF

P208: Detectable HBV viraemia in HIV/HBV co-infected patients undergoing HBV active antiretroviral therapy
G Morsica; R Lolatto; C Bertoni*; A Siribelli; M Bottanelli; H Hasson; A Castagna; C Uberti-Foppa; A Siribelli (Milan, Italy) PDF

Clinical Pharmacology

P209: Physiologically based pharmacokinetic modelling of long-acting rilpivirine in pregnancy
S Atoyebi*; S Granana-Castillo; M Siccardi; C Waitt (Liverpool, UK) PDF

P210: Effects of the HIV-1 maturation inhibitor GSK3640254 on QT interval in healthy participants
Y Zhang*; M Johnson; M Bush; P Yazdani; J Zhan; B Wen; V Bainbridge; B Wynne; S Joshi; M Lataillade (Durham, NC, USA) PDF

P211: Bioequivalence of a paediatric fixed-dose combination tablet darunavir/cobicistat/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide compared with coadministration of the separate agents in healthy adults
S Van Hemelryck*; E Van Landuyt; J Ariyawansa; S Vanveggel; M Palmer (Beerse, Belgium) PDF

P212: Pharmacokinetic interaction between single and multiple doses of darunavir, in combination with cobicistat or ritonavir, and single-dose dabigatran etexilate in healthy adults
S Van Hemelryck*; E Van Landuyt; J Ariyawansa; M Palmer; M Kothe; C Pollefliet (Beerse, Belgium) PDF

Models of Care: Evaluation of ARV Delivery and Coverage

P213: Use of generic antiretroviral drugs in 2021 in three health centres in the Paris area, France
P Leroy*; S Diamantis; P Sellier; G Hamet; A Brun; W Rozenbaum; J Molina (Paris, France) PDF

P215: Cascade of care in Romanian patients who grew up with HIV from a tertiary care facility
I Ianache; R Radoi; G Tardei; L Ene; C Oprea* (Bucharest, Romania) PDF

P216: Pilot model of the HIV drug resistance testing coverage cascade
A Pokrovskaya*; D Kireev; K Emerole; A Kirichenko; V Pokrovsky (Moscow, Russian Federation) PDF

P217: Residual viraemia and viral blips in the modern cART era: a glimpse beneath the surface
P Oomen*; S Dijkstra; A Hoepelman; B van Welzen (Utrecht, Netherlands) PDF

Virology and Immunology: Biomarkers

P218: ACBP and control of HIV in progressors and elite controllers
S Isnard; L Royston; J Lin; B Fombuena; S Bu; S Kant; T Mabanga; C Berini; M Durand; M El-Far; C Tremblay; N Bernard; G Kroemer; J Routy* (Montreal, Canada) PDF

P219: The preservation of thymic activity and the naïve T cell compartment is a hallmark of HIV-2 and early treated HIV-1 individuals
G Farias; R Marques; D Santos; A Gomes; Z Junginger; A Sousa; R Badura* (Lisbon, Portugal) PDF

P220: Reactive oxygen species (ROS) in T-cell subsets of HIV+cART naive and HIV+cART+ individuals
R Emilova*; Y Todorova; M Aleksova; I Alexiev; L Grigorova; R Dimitrova; N Yancheva; M Nikolova (Sofia, Bulgaria) PDF

Virology and Immunology: Resistance

P221: Development of second-generation integrase inhibitor resistance over the last 6 years in Germany
F Wiesmann; A Maennling; G Naeth; P Braun; H Knechten* (Aachen, Germany) PDF

P222: Long-term efficacy and resistance analyses of D/C/F/TAF in the phase III AMBER and EMERALD studies: post 96-week data
E Lathouwers*; B Baugh; S Vanveggel; E Van Landuyt; M Opsomer; C Orkin; J Eron (Beerse, Belgium) PDF

P223: Reverse transcriptase M184V resistance mutation: back to the future?
E Teyssou; C Soulie; R Palich; A Nouchi; B Abdi; C Katlama; M Wirden; V Pourcher; A Marcelin; V Calvez* (Paris, France) PDF

P225: The Virostar study: analysis of emergent resistance-associated mutations at first- or second-line HIV-1 virological failure with second-generation InSTIs in two- and three-drug regimens
A Marcelin*; C Soulie; M Wirden; C Charpentier; D Descamps; V Calvez (Paris, France) PDF

P226: Integrase inhibitors mutational viral load in HIV-infected pregnant women in Argentina
D Cecchini*; J Sfalcin; I Zapiola; A Gomez; S Fernandez Giuliano; C Rodriguez; L Mammana; A Seravalle; F Fay; G Bugarín; M Bouzas (Buenos Aires, Argentina) PDF

Virology and Immunology: Other

P228: Initial plasma HIV-1 RNA and CD4+ T-cell count are determinants of virological outcomes with initial integrase inhibitor-based regimens: a prospective multinational RESPOND cohort consortium
H Álvarez*; A Mocroft; L Ryom; B Neesgaard; S Edwards; V Svedhem-Johansson; H Günthard; R Zangerle; C Smith; A Castagna; A d’Arminio Monforte; F Wit; M Stecher; C Lehman; C Mussini; E Fontas; E González; J-C Wasmuth; A Sönnerborg; S De Wit; N Chkhartishvili; C Stephan; K Petoumenos; N Jaschinski; V Vannappagari; J Rooney; l Young; A volny-Anne; L Greenberg; R Martín-Iguacel; E Poveda; J Llibre; for the RESPOND Study Group (Ferrol, A Coruña, Spain) PDF

P229: COVID-19 pandemic and continuum of care in a cohort of people living with HIV: will we have a price to pay in the future?
B Bellocchi*; M Ceccarelli; R Bruno; L Todaro; A Bandiera; E Pistarà; C Giarratana; V Boscia; G Nunnari; B Cacopardo; B Celesia (Catania, Italy) PDF

P230: Recent detectable viral loads among adults living with HIV in the Asia-Pacific between 2015 and 2020
M Palatino*; D Rupasinghe; A Widhani; N Chi; I Somia; N Kumarasamy; S Khusuwan; V Khol; M Lee;
S Kiertiburanakul; T Pham; S Pujari; A Avihingsanon; J Choi; R Chaiwarith; Y Chan; I Azwa; R Ditangco; R Borse; O Ng; J Tanuma; F Zhang; Y Gani; J Ross; A Jiamsakul (Columbia, SC, USA) PDF

P232: Viral reservoir diversity in circulating PMBC and T cell subsets under suppressive ART
Y Zhang*; F Otte; T Klimkait (Basel, Switzerland) PDF

P234: HIV subtypes: where are we now?
C Afonso*; A Zagalo; A Ayres Pereira (Lisbon, Portugal) PDF

P235: FluVac: influenza vaccination in PLWHIV in Germany during flu seasons 2018/19 and 2019/20 – real-world data extraction from electronic health record systems used by general practitioners and specialists
E Wolf*; A Balogh; C Roll; S Noe; N Postel; H Heiken; I Ruck; W Schmidt; U Kutscher; U Meyer-Bunsen; S Preis (Munich, Germany) PDF

Late Presenters

P236: Estimating the risk of mortality attributable to late HIV diagnosis following admission to the intensive care unit: a single-centre observational cohort study
N Bakewell*; T Kanitkar; O Dissanayake; M Symonds; S Rimmer; A Adlakha; M Lipman; S Bhagani; B Agarwal; R Miller; C Sabin (London, UK) PDF

P237: Improving the HIV testing cascade: implementing HIV teams to support HIV indicator condition-guided testing in general practice in the Netherlands
C Jordans*; D van Otterdijk; L Rokx-Niemantsverdriet; J Struik; P van der Voorn; E van der Waal; N Bakker; C Rokx (Rotterdam, Netherlands) PDF

P238: Late diagnosis of HIV during the COVID-19 pandemic in a LMIC: an emerging challenge
B Domecq; X Varrese; V Ortiz; R Zhumi Chacón; N D’Amico; M Bertolini; C Frola; J Barletta; M Jaume; A Sisto; M Rolón* (Buenos Aires, Argentina) PDF

P239: Missed opportunities for an early HIV diagnosis in Greece (MORFEAS): preliminary results
S Roussos*; K Protopapas; A Antoniadou; A Papadopoulos; G Lourida; V Papastamopoulos; M Chini; K Alexakis; E Barbounakis; D Kofteridis; L Leonidou; M Marangos; V Petrakis; P Panagopoulos; E Mastrogianni; P Palla; N Sipsas; V Paparizos; S Metallidis; I Katsarolis; V Sypsa; M Psichogiou (Athens, Greece) PDF

P240: Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the diagnosis of late presenters of HIV-infected patients at a tertiary hospital in Lisbon, Portugal in 2018 to 2021
S Casanova; J Borralho*; C Fernandes; A Miranda; J Vasconselos; J Alves; S Peres; T Baptista; I Antunes; F Borges; J Nina; K Mansinho (Lisbon, Portugal) PDF

P241: Persisting and emerging challenges of late HIV presentation in Germany
C Boesecke; S Schellberg*; J Schneider; G Schuettfort; H Stocker (Berlin, Germany) PDF

COVID-19: In the Context of HIV

P242: Humoral immunogenicity to third dose SARS-COV-2 mRNA vaccine in people living with HIV (PLWHIV) by current CD4 count and CD4/CD8 ratio
A Vergori*; A Cozzi Lepri; A Tavelli; M Giannella; S Cicalini; L Marconi; V Yellenki; S Meschi; G Pellicanò; N Caroccia; G Matusali; A Latini; M Lichtner; S Lo Caputo; F Fusco; G Marchetti; E Tacconelli; A Antinori; A D’Arminio Monforte (Rome, Italy) PDF

P243: Evolution of anti-SARS-CoV-2 spike protein titers after two-dose COVID-19 vaccination among people living with HIV
W Liu*; S Chang; J Wang; H Sun; Y Huang; K Lin; U Wu; G Li; W Liu; Y Su; P He; C Lin; C Yeh; Y Chen; Y Luo; P Wu; L Chen; H Chang; W Sheng; S Hsieh; C Hung; S Chang (Taipei City, Taiwan) PDF

P244: COVID-19 in HIV-infected patients: does tenofovir-based ART have any impact?
F Rombini; D Cecchini*; D Pinto; L Calanni; R Cuini; E Obieta; M Greco; F Morales; C Migazzi; L Morganti;
Y El Kozah; P Parenti; I Cassetti (Buenos Aires, Argentina) PDF

P245: Antibody response and HIV-1 RNA response following a booster of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in people living with HIV
C Fedeli*; P Ustero; V Portillo; E Mereles; I Savkarelidze; M Puntel; I Petignat; C Jaksic; S Yerly; A Calmy (Geneva, Switzerland) PDF

P246: Lower T-cell response against SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern after mRNA vaccine and risk of breakthrough infections in people living with HIV
P Vizcarra; S Martín-Colmenarejo; J del Pino; M Perez-Elías; A Moreno*; S Gomez-Maldonado; A Martín-Hondarza; A Abad; A Vallejo; J Casado (Madrid, Spain) PDF

P248: T-cell and humoral responses to mRNA-1273 vaccine up to 6 months in late presenter (LP) people living with HIV (PLWH)
M Augello*; V Bono; R Rovito; V Yellenki; C Tincati; A d’Arminio Monforte; G Marchetti (Milan, Italy) PDF
P249: An investigation into the psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic for people living with HIV
S Lo*; L Muschialli; T Fernandez; D Peppa; F Burns (London, UK) PDF

P250: Immunogenicity of homologous versus heterologous prime-boost vaccination regimens against SARS-COV-2 in people living with HIV in Argentina: a pilot study
R Mauas*; D Cecchini; A Urueña; M Strada; S Arietti; I Cassetti (Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina) PDF

P251: Immunogenicity of AZD1222 (ChAdOx1) SARS-CoV-2 vaccine in people living with HIV
J Begovac*; S Zekan; N Cetinic Balent; I Javoric; N Bogdanic; R Mikulic; O Dakovic Rode (Zagreb, Croatia) PDF

P252: Does COVID-19 vaccination have a striking protective effect in HIV infected people? A real-life experience of a Portuguese centre
C Fernandes*; A Duarte; J Alves; S Peres; A Miranda; T Baptista; I Antunes; F Borges; J Nina; K Mansinho (Leiria, Portugal) PDF

P253: The impact of COVID-19 pandemic in HIV diagnosis: the experience of a Central Hospital in Lisbon, Portugal
C Fernandes*; S Casanova; J Borralho; A Miranda; J Alves; S Peres; T Baptista; I Antunes; F Borges; J Nina; K Mansinho (Leiria, Portugal) PDF

P254: Humoral immune response of patients living with HIV (PLWHIV) after three doses of mRNA BNT162b2 SARS-CoV-2 vaccine: a prospective cohort study
L Tau*; T Halperin; A Adler; R Marom; S Ahsanov; N Matus; I Levy; G Gerber; S Lev; T Ziv-Baran; D Turner (Tel-Aviv, Israel) PDF

P255: The vaccinations against COVID-19 efficacy and safety among people living with HIV: data from observational study in Poland
A Skrzat-Klapaczynska; C Bienkowski; J Kowalska* (Warsaw, Poland) PDF

P256: The impact of the pandemic on PLWHIV: issues and opportunities for rethinking PLWHIV care management
G Marchetti*; S Lo Caputo; S Mattioli; M Sacchi; L Brogonzoli; R Iardino (Milano, Italy) PDF

P257: Did COVID-19 impact HIV control? Time to undetectable HIV viral load in newly HIV-1 diagnosed patients before and during pandemic
J Borralho*; S Casanova; C Fernandes; J Vasconcelos; J Alves; S Peres; A Miranda; T Baptista; I Antunes; F Borges; J Nina; K Mansinho (Lisboa, Portugal) PDF

COVID-19: Novel Therapeutics

P258: Retrospective study comparing outcome, safety and virological clearance at day 7 in patients with mild-moderate COVID-19 disease treated with molnupiravir, nirmatrelvir/ritonavir and short-course of remdesivir
T Beringheli*; F Bai; V Vitaletti; F Molà; A Copes; N Gemignani; S Pettenuzzo; D Barbanotti; G Mulè;
R Castoldi; B Varisco; R Nardo; L Lundgren; L Albertini; M Augello; L Biasioli; C Falcinella; D Tomasoni; G Marchetti; A d’Arminio Monforte (Milan, Italy) PDF

P259: Vaccination and anti-SARS-CoV-2 treatment reduce disease progression: a real-life experience
A De Vito*; A Colpani; L Saderi; B Zauli; A Bitti; M Fois; C Di Castri; M Meloni; M Puci; S Bacciu; V Fiore; I Maida; S Babudieri; G Sotgiu; G Madeddu (Sassari, Italy) PDF

P260: MP3 pulses COVID 19 trial: effect of intravenous pulses of methylprednisolone 250 mg versus dexamethasone 6 mg in hospitalised adults with severe COVID-19 pneumonia
J Abadía Otero*; L Corral Gudino; I Cusacovich; J Martín González; A Muela Molinero; R González Fuentes; Á Ruiz de Temiño; E Tapia Moral; F Cuadrado Medina; M Martín Asenjo; P Miramontes González (Valladolid, Spain) PDF

Monkeypox Virus

P261: Clinical description of 50 cases of monkeypox virus (MKPV) infection among MSM in an HIV/PrEP French clinic
E Rubenstein*; M Sarda; C Lascoux; C Pintado; J Zeggagh; D Ponscarme; M Tateo; S Chawki; G Liegeon;
J Gras; M Lafaurie; N De Castro; D Descamps; J Molina (Paris, France) PDF

P262: First monkeypox cases in patients living with HIV from Romania
C Oprea*; I Ianache; S Piscu; A Paun; D Topa; G Tardei; C Popescu; S Florescu (Bucharest, Romania) PDF