Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal attends HIV Glasgow 2024 to recognise 25 years of the University of Liverpool Drug Interactions Programme
Glasgow, UK, 12 November 2024 – Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal today attended HIV Drug Therapy Glasgow 2024 to recognise the work of the University of Liverpool on drug interactions in HIV and beyond over the past 25 years.
The Princess Royal presented an award to Professor Saye Khoo MBE and Professor David Back from the University of Liverpool Drug Interactions Programme for ‘25 Years of Innovation and Impact’. The award recognises Professors Khoo and Beck for their HIV drug interaction tool, launched in 1999 and now utilised globally by the healthcare professional community. The evidence-based online tool provides physicians with prescribing recommendations, informed by possible harmful drug interactions between HIV drugs and commonly prescribed co-medications, providing reassurance for those living with HIV/AIDS for the past 25 years.
“We are honoured to welcome HRH The Princess Royal to our 2024 Congress,” commented Sarah Turner, HIV Drug Therapy Glasgow Congress Secretariat. “HIV Glasgow is proud to have played its part in the University of Liverpool’s Drug Interactions Programme, both by providing financial support and raising awareness of the drug interaction tool since its inception in 1999. It seems fitting, therefore, that the Liverpool team’s practice-changing work should be recognised at our 2024 event.”
Interactions between drugs may cause harmful side effects for the patient and may even decrease the effectiveness of a drug. It is vital that people living with HIV/AIDS, especially those with multiple medical conditions and who may be receiving many different medicines, can have confidence that the combinations of treatments they are taking will be both safe and effective.
During the visit, The Princess Royal also met other experts in the field and some of HIV Glasgow 2024’s organisers.